Reinstatement of Rule of Law in Turkey: Proposals for an Independent and Impartial Judiciary
In the course of the processes of democratisation, institutions play a crucial role. Democracies can function effectively and overcome existential crises to the extent that they are institutionalised. The institutions do not only play a regulative role but have also a transformative function. Therefore building democratic institutions is of a vital importance for a real process in the course of democratisation. In our project "Rethinking the System of Government" we focus on the constitutional system and think that a new system of government will be a good start for the building of a democratic regime. To that end, focusing on the system of government based problems in Turkish political life from an interdisciplinary perspective, we come up with a list of proposals for the reinstatement of rule of law in Turkey with an independent and impartial judiciary.
(The report is available only in Turkish.)